Filip Rachůnek Apps

BrainCalc Unlock Key 1.0
Filip Rachůnek
Unlock BrainCalc to enable premium featuresand support further development. The extra features include:- A calculated expression is shown at the bottom of thecalculator display- Complex numbers- Matrix mode (system of linear equations, determinant, inversematrix)- Statistical functions (sum, square sum, arithmetic mean,geometric mean, harmonic mean, standard deviation, variance,skewness, kurtosis)- Landscape modeIf you install the key and BrainCalc does not activate paidfunctions, please try to uninstall and reinstall both BrainKing andunlock key.Thank you for upgrading and supporting us. :-)BrainCalc is a full featured and easy to use scientificcalculator for Android. BrainCalc includes the followingfeatures:- A context help for all keys.- Unlimited number of memories- Trigonometric functions in degrees, radians or grads- Degrees, minutes and seconds- Fractions- Percentages- Bitwise logical operations (AND, OR, NOT and XOR)- Unlimited number of brackets for complicated expressions- Fixed point, scientific and engineering display modes- A collection of mathematical, physical and other constants- Unit converter- Configurable decimal point and digit grouping- Result history- Logical operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)- Hexadecimal, octal and binary modes- Interaction with other apps (copy and paste)- Random number generator (including dice rolls and coinflips)- Fully localized to English and Czech- No annoying advertisements!
BrainCalc 1.8.12
Filip Rachůnek
BrainCalc is a full featured and easy to use scientific calculatorfor Android. BrainCalc includes the following features: - A contexthelp for all keys. - Unlimited number of memories - Trigonometricfunctions in degrees, radians or grads - Degrees, minutes andseconds - Fractions - Percentages - Bitwise logical operations(AND, OR, NOT and XOR) - Unlimited number of brackets forcomplicated expressions - Fixed point, scientific and engineeringdisplay modes - A collection of mathematical, physical and otherconstants - Unit converter - Configurable decimal point and digitgrouping - Result history - Logical operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR)- Hexadecimal, octal and binary modes - Interaction with other apps(copy and paste) - Random number generator (including dice rollsand coin flips) - Fully localized to English and Czech - Noannoying advertisements!
Měnové kurzy 1.3.2
Filip Rachůnek
Aktuální kurzy + měnová kalkulačka v jednomwidgetu!Návod k použití:- Dlouze stiskněte na prázdném místě obrazovky- Vyberte Nástroje- Zvolte Měnové kurzy 2x1 nebo Měnové kurzy 1x1Tento jednoduchý widget zobrazí aktuální kurzy (nebo k vybranémudatu) České národní banky pro 3 zvolené měny. Údaje se aktualizujíjednou za hodinu nebo po stisknutí ikony v pravém horním rohu.Kliknutí na plochu widgetu umožní změnit zobrazené měny, navýběr je k dispozici 33 různých měn. Widget rovněž obsahujekalkulačku pro přepočet vložené částky mezi vybranými měnami.Current courses +monetary calculator widget in one!Instructions for use: - Long press on an empty spot on the screen - Select Tools - Select currency exchange rates or foreign currency exchangerates 2x1 1x1This simple widget displays the current courses (or the selecteddate) Czech National Bank for three selected currency. The data areupdated once per hour, or by pressing the icon in the upper rightcorner.Clicking on the desktop widget lets you change the displaycurrency, the choice is available in 33 different currencies.Widget also includes a calculator for converting the amountdeposited between selected currencies.
BrainKing 0.8.1
Filip Rachůnek
This is the Android client application forthegame site BrainKing.http://BrainKing.comPlease note that the application is in highly unfinishedstateand should be used for testing purposes only. It is likelythatmany features are not functioning properly at the moment. Thankyoufor understanding.
Mathematical Formulas 1.2.2
Filip Rachůnek
The application contains well known and useful formulas ofmanydifferent topics of mathematics. It is a great tool for (notonly)students of grammar, high and university schools. Please notethatthe app size is only 100 kB! The reason is that it containsNOIMAGES (except the launcher icon) and all formulas are renderedinrun-time from text resources, using my own simplemathematicalrendering engine. It also means that the applicationcan be easilylocalized to any number of languages. The formula textsize can beincreased or decreased and clicked to share in all waysyour devicesupports (Facebook, email attachment, Google Driveetc.). Enjoy!:-) And if you wish to add more formulas, please donot hesitate tocontact me. Explanation of permissions required bythe application:WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:In order to sharea formula on Facebook or attach it to an email, aPNG image filecontaining the selected formula must be created firstand stored tothe device. The files are very small and do not occupyanysignificant space.
Digital Clock Widget 1.6
Filip Rachůnek
To use this widget: - Long click on an empty space of yourhomescreen - Select Widgets - Select Digital Clock 4x1 or DigitalClock2x1 IMPORTANT! If you use Memory Booster or any other kind oftaskkiller, make sure that Digital Clock Widget is on its whitelist orit will not work properly. If the widget stops workingafterupgrading to a new version, please uninstall and reinstall!DigitalClock Widget is a very tiny (only 90 kB) home screen widgetthatdisplays current time, date, day of week, alarm clock andbatterylevel percentage (+ battery temperature). It contains 2versions: -4x1: You can click the time (to open an alarm tool),date (to opena calendar application), battery level (to open thebattery usagescreen) or settings icon. - 2x1: You can click thetime to open acontext menu with alarm, calendar, battery andsettings items. Thewidget also contains a cuckoo clock thatnotifies you on every fullhour. The cuckoo can be easilyactivated/deactivated or set a timerange of automatic activation.The widget allows you to change sizeand color of all texts,including the background transparency. Usethe options to create anideal digital clock for your device.